Nuland: Suggested amendments to Ukrainian Constitution don't foresee federalization, only decentralization

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland highly praises the level of work by Ukrainian MPs and sees no ground to talk about Ukraine's way to federalization in terms of decentralization suggestions.
"For somebody who's been coming in and out of Ukraine for 25 years, it really was very exciting to stand in Verkhovna Rada today and see vibrant democracy in actions, and lots of different opinions, and a real debate not like the fake debates of all," she said at a press conference in Kyiv on Thursday.
When answering the question whether she thought the amendments endorsed by the parliament weren't elements of decentralization but the first step to the federalization of Ukraine, Nuland said: "I think President Poroshenko spoke quite clearly in the Rada and persuasively that in contrast to the accusations, this actually protect Ukraine from federalization. This is decentralization that provides the same rights of budgeting, of local authority, of responsibly for your own affairs to every region of Ukraine."
In addition, she noted that formalization of Donbas' special status is a part of the Minsk accords signed by Ukraine.
"The hope is having fulfilled Ukraine's obligation under the Minsk agreement to include this. This will now be answered by responding steps by those responsible in Donetsk and Luhansk, and those who support the in Moscow. So it puts you in the strongest possible position to say your obligations are being met, what about the other side," Nuland said.