12:32 30.08.2019

New premier Honcharuk declares UAH 1.9 mln of income in 2018

1 min read
New premier Honcharuk declares UAH 1.9 mln of income in 2018

New Premier of Ukraine, who was appointed by head of state Volodymyr Zelensky on August 29, has declared UAH 1.851 million of income in 2018.

According to an electronic declaration posted in the Unified State Register of Declarations, in 2018 Honcharuk earned UAH 60,772 of wages in the NGO Better Regulation Delivery Office, UAH 1.790 million of entrepreneurship income and UAH 634 of income on bank account.

He also declared UAH 89,616 on the accounts of Universal Bank and UAH 68,744 of Alfa-Bank, as well as UAH 100,000, $84,000 and EUR 36,000 in cash.

As follows from the declaration, new premier rents a flat in Kyiv with a total area of 74 square meters. He has a registration in the flat of 71,000 square meters in Chernihiv.

Honcharuk owns a Jaguar X-TYPE 2007 year car model.

Furthermore, he is holder of corporate rights of Astron Society Garden servicing cooperative (share not named) and a 33.33% of firm Global Health Resolution Participation B.V. (the Netherlands). Honcharuk also is Chairman of the Astron Board.