17:53 09.11.2016

Reference pricing will not apply to international drug purchases - Suprun

1 min read
Reference pricing will not apply to international drug purchases - Suprun

Reference pricing will not apply to purchase of medicines for national budget funds, which are conducted through international organizations, Health Minister Ulana Suprun has stated.

"The decision on reference pricing does not apply to purchase of drugs through international organizations, but eventually, when a Ukrainian purchasing organization which will deal with procurement is created, reference prices will help us get the best prices and buy more drugs," she said at a briefing.

Suprun said the Ministry of Health has already signed contracts with international organizations for purchase of medicines for 2016 national budget funds on 30 out of 33 programs.

Commenting on the INN list (international nonproprietary name), which is included in the reimbursement program, Suprun clarified the list includes the INNs recommended by the WHO, while "the majority of drugs with the INNs are produced by Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies." At the same time, Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies declared higher prices compared to reference countries for three out of the 16 INNs included in the reimbursement program on cardiovascular diseases.