19:45 01.03.2022

Shkarlet calls on Bologna Follow-up Group, European Higher Education Area to exclude Russia from institutional and intergovernmental relations

1 min read

Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet has addressed the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG) and key structures of the European Higher Education Area regarding the exclusion of the Russian Federation from institutional and intergovernmental relations.

"I turned to the BFUG and key structures of the European Higher Education Area regarding the exclusion of the Russian Federation from institutional and intergovernmental relations," he wrote on the Telegram channel.

According to Shkarlet, the European Higher Education Area is built on the fundamental principles of democracy and the rule of law.

"These principles are explicitly stated in the vision of the European Higher Education Area set out in the Rome Communiqué 2020, signed by 48 ministers responsible for higher education from all countries of the European Higher Education Area," he added.

The minister stressed that the Russian Federation had demonstrated to the world that it violates all the principles and conditions of interaction between countries, destroying everything in its path with terrorist actions. "I am sure that only by uniting we will form a powerful European entity," he summed up.