Chernivtsi local authorities plan to file lawsuit against govt for establising 'red' lockdown zone in city

Chernivtsi City Council plans to file a lawsuit against the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine demanding to cancel the establishment of a "red" lockdown zone in the city.
According to the city council's press service, on Wednesday residents of Chernivtsi gathered for a rally "No Remote Learning!" In particular, people asked the authorities to allow the opening of schools and kindergartens.
"It is important for us to protect our principals and teachers from pressure from the central government and the police. They are really afraid of the imposition of fines of UAH 17,000 or UAH 34,000. Therefore, I think that we all need to support them," secretary of the city council Vasyl Prodan said.
The official also said that Chernivtsi City Council plans to file a lawsuit against the Cabinet of Ministers demanding to cancel the establishment of the "red" lockdown zone in the city.