Poroshenko, Obama to meet on UN General Assembly session sidelines in New York

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and U.S. President Barack Obama will meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said.
"We have been working on the president's program; there will definitely be a meeting. We do not know the exact date as of yet," Klimkin told reporters in Kyiv on Friday, responding to an Interfax question.
Diplomats are pondering various formats of this meeting but a final decision has yet to be made, the foreign minister said.
"There will be lots of various meetings, including those held in multilateral formats, for example, we are preparing a meeting of leaders on the subject of a future strategy for the Malaysian plane downing case," Klimkin said.
Kyiv has some ideas which diplomats want to present to the political leaders for the coordination of future steps. "The president's attendance at the General Assembly will be a truly keynote event in this context," the minister said.