Ukrainian Red Cross Society organizes 2nd summer school on intl humanitarian law for civil servants

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS), with the support of the Danish Red Cross, is holding the second summer school on international humanitarian law for government officials, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Geneva Conventions.
"The Danish Red Cross works closely with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society in providing humanitarian assistance, as well as in promoting humanitarian values, including those enshrined in international humanitarian law," said Danish Ambassador to Ukraine Ole Egberg Mikkelsen, opening the school.
According to him, one of the main priorities of Denmark, as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2025-2026, which it recently became, will be the protection of international law, including international humanitarian law.
Mikkelsen emphasized that special attention in this area is paid to the protection of civilians and their access to humanitarian assistance, as well as increasing accountability for violations of international humanitarian law.
He also recalled that Denmark is implementing the European Anti-Corruption Initiative on behalf of the European Union and emphasized that the fight against corruption is crucial for the European integration of Ukraine and for the transformation of Ukrainian society.
"Denmark is very proud to be Ukraine's partner in this fight," Mikkelsen said.