15:12 05.08.2023

Ukraine announces war risk area in waters of six Russian ports

2 min read
Ukraine announces war risk area in waters of six Russian ports

Ukraine has announced a war risk area in the waters of Russian ports on the Black Sea. This follows from the Coastal Warning of state-owned institution Derzhhydrographiya.

"War risk area. The water area of the internal and external roads of the ports of Anapa, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Sochi, Taman," the statement on the website of Derzhhydrographiya of the State Maritime and River Transport Service says.

The warning was issued on August 4 until further cancellation. The basis is the order of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine dated August 4.

Earlier, Ukraine's Ministry of Defense issued a statement warning that all ships that will be sent to the ports of the Russian Federation or occupied Ukrainian ports from July 21 can be considered as carrying military cargo.

In addition, according to the warning, navigation in the areas of the North-Eastern part of the Black Sea and the Kerch-Yenikal Strait of Ukraine is prohibited as dangerous, starting from 05:00 on July 20, 2023.

On the eve of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that all ships, regardless of the flag, which will be sent to Ukrainian ports from midnight, July 20, Russia will be considered as involved in a military conflict.