12:25 03.08.2021

Residents of ORDLO can become 'guinea pigs' for Russian pharmacists - Defense Ministry

2 min read
Residents of ORDLO can become 'guinea pigs' for Russian pharmacists - Defense Ministry

Russia is conducting a campaign on vaccination against coronavirus with the drug "Sputnik V" in the temporarily occupied areas of Donbas, in fact using the drug "Sputnik Light", which is not approved for use by any international organization, Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports.

"Sputnik Light", developed on the basis of the "Sputnik V" vaccine, has not received approval for use from the European Medicines Agency and the World Health Organization. WHO's approval is important for the distribution of the vaccine as part of the Global Access to Coronavirus Vaccines initiative, which provides a vaccine for poor countries," the press service of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine quoted the Main Intelligence as saying on Facebook on Tuesday.

It is noted that Russia supplies vaccines to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, which are used in the poorest countries of the world.

"While Ukraine vaccinates its citizens with the best and most expensive vaccines used by all civilized countries. And even Russia does it unofficially, trying to hide the facts of importing the vaccine to ORDLO," the Defense Ministry said.

"Residents of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine may become banal guinea pigs for Russian pharmacists who are testing a new version of their Sputnik Light vaccine before offering it to the Russians," the Ukrainian military said.

They clarify that the one-component Russian vaccine "Sputnik Light" can have many times more side effects than the two-component "Sputnik V".

"By testing its dubious vaccine on residents of the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, Russia will not be responsible for any deaths or illnesses, while the result of its tests on Russian citizens will fall entirely on the shoulders of Russian pharmacists. How many people this vaccine will actually kill, no one will know," the Defense Ministry said.