Commission on Manmade Disaster, Emergency Response sets new epidemic zoning from Oct 12: Kyiv moved to 'orange' zone, Sumy, Kaniv to 'red'

The State Commission on Manmade Disaster, Emergency Response at a meeting on Thursday established a new epidemic zoning in Ukraine from October 12.
"Today, an extraordinary meeting of State Commission on Manmade Disaster, Emergency Response took place. From 00:00 on October 12 (Monday), new epidemic zoning will start to operate. Kyiv has moved to the 'orange' zone," Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers Oleh Nemchinov wrote on his Facebook page.
These epidemic levels are set for 14 days.
Kaniv of Cherkasy region will remain in the "red" zone, and Sumy will move to this zone from the "orange" one.