14:07 20.05.2019

Ex-Presidential Administration Dpty Head Portnov announces legal campaign against Poroshenko, his entourage

2 min read
Ex-Presidential Administration Dpty Head Portnov announces legal campaign against Poroshenko, his entourage

Andriy Portnov, ex-Presidential Administration Head under disgraced ex-President Viktor Yanukovych, has said will in the near future issue statements about the alleged crimes of ex-President Petro Poroshenko, ex-Presidential Administration Deputy Head Oleksiy Filatov, and People's Front Party Members of Parliament Serhiy Pashynsky and Maksym Burbak.

"Our large legal team plans to start filing applications on the very first day after the inauguration ... The key people are Poroshenko himself, Filatov, Pashynsky, ... Burbak, leader of the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko faction (Artur Herasymov), key officials from Poroshenko's circle and businessmen," said Portnov in a video interview posted to the Kyiv-based Strana.ua ezine.

Portnov said lawyers have documented more than 10 statements about alleged crimes. In particular, including those linked to Panamanian offshore companies, embezzlement in the defense sector, as well as the defense orders given to Kuznya on Rybalsky, the company formerly owned by Poroshenko.

Portnov also said it was necessary to arrest Poroshenko's assets and those of his associates. He said under Poroshenko judges were under a lot of pressure, adding the first petitions sent to court in cases against Poroshenko about preventive measure would be satisfied.

Portnov said if the new government wants to be active in the pursuit of Poroshenko, his team will help.

"If not, we will exercise public pressure, document, process everything procedurally, appeal against the inaction of law enforcement agencies," he stressed.

Portnov added that he knows 'huge' number of businessmen and citizens who also plan to engage in such activities.

"We will offer leverage - I mean our team. We will be the headliners and organizers of this work somewhere ... I see that there's a huge field here," he said.

Portnov said he does not intend to return to the civil service and does not plan of taking any government post.

In 2014, Portnov left Ukraine, lived in Moscow and then in Vienna, Austria.