Ex-Ukrainian PM Yatseniuk to travel to U.S., meet with Biden

Popular Front party leader and former Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk will travel to Washington on June 27-30, where he is scheduled to meet with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on June 28, Yatseniuk's press secretary Olha Lappo said.
Yatseniuk will travel to the U.S. at the White House's invitation, and his visit will deal with support for reforms in Ukraine, international security, and international consolidation against Russian aggression, Lappo said on Facebook on Thursday.
Yatseniuk should also meet with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew, Senators Richard Durbin, Robert Corker, and John McCain, other key members of the Democratic and Republican parties, and also International Monetary Fund (IMF) First Deputy Managing Director David Lipton, she said.
"While in Washington, the Popular Front leader plans to discuss the current results and future objectives of Ukrainian reforms with authoritative experts and specialists while speaking at the Atlantic Council and the Brookings Institution," Lappo said.