14:43 12.05.2016

Ukraine continues to participate in international peacekeeping operations

2 min read
Ukraine continues to participate in international peacekeeping operations

Despite the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in Donbas, Ukraine has not refused to take part in peacekeeping operations, Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine for European Integration Ihor Dolhov has said.

"Today Ukraine hasn't refused to take part in any peacekeeping operation since the start of the ATO – we continue to faithfully fulfill our international commitments. This is confirmation of a very clear policy, but it also means that when we're in trouble, we can count on support," Dolhov said at a briefing in Kyiv on Wednesday. He added Ukraine receives assistance from the partner states.

"Actually we get it [assistance], and not in the form of fighting units, but in the form of training on Yavoriv training range [Lviv region], in the form of setting special operations forces and training of instructors of tactical medicine," the deputy minister said.

Speaking about the participation of a group of Ukrainian military men in the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade "LitPolUkrBrig", he said it isn't a new project, but the extension of pre-existing format, because the Ukrainians and the Poles began to work in Kosovo as a part of KFOR (Kosovo Force).

"This brigade is the approaching to NATO standards, the headquarters is located on the territory of a NATO member country – Poland, and our officers are already working together with Poland and Lithuania staff, who're already establishing interaction. Participation in this team does not mean that we prevent some resources from taking part in the ATO. We should continue the training of other battalions (squadrons). There will be a military police squadron as a part of the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian brigade, which will consist of one troop from each country. It is a new experience for us, since the Ukrainian squadron will be trained in accordance with the procedures and standards of NATO. Canadian specialists are responsible for this," Dolhov said.