15:05 25.01.2016

Constitutional amendments on decentralization should be passed only after ceasefire is established in Donbas – Poroshenko

2 min read
Constitutional amendments on decentralization should be passed only after ceasefire is established in Donbas – Poroshenko

The main precondition for the adoption of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralization should be the establishment of complete ceasefire in Donbas, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said.

"I welcome the initiative of 53 MPs, because voting for the Constitution in terms of decentralization should be preceded by a number of important preconditions. The first one is the ceasefire and a long period of silence. This should be ensured by Russia and the world needs to see this happening," the president said in an interview with Ukrainian TV channels broadcast on Sunday evening.

According to Poroshenko, another precondition is the admission of the OSCE observers to the border sections which are beyond Ukraine's control. "And the key position is the restoration of control over the border line by the OSCE at first. They should have unobstructed access to the state border that will insure that the flow of foreign troops and military equipment is stopped," he said.

So far the OSCE observers have been denied access to the weapons storage sites and to the state border, the president said.

Poroshenko also noted the importance of the release of hostages, including those held captive in Russia, as well as the importance of solving a number of political issues, including the abolition of the fake elections in Donbas.

At the same time, the president said he won't allow the disruption of the reform of the decentralization of power in the country.

"I will in no case allow the cancellation of voting for amendments to the Constitution," Poroshenko said.