Brussels hopes for technical approval of Ukraine-EU Association Agreement by end of year
Brussels hopes that the technical approval of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union will be completed by the end of 2012.
"Very thorough technical work on this document is being carried out, 24 texts of the Agreement are being prepared," Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Jan Tombinski has said at a press conference in Kyiv on Tuesday.
According to him, the text of the Association Agreement is being translated into the languages of all EU member states.
"We hope to finish this work by the end of this year, possibly by the end of November," he said.
According to the ambassador, after the technical work the EU and Ukraine will decide whether they have the political will to ratify the document.
"Before the EU countries take a decision, [they should see that] all necessary political elements are present, so that they had no doubt that Ukraine is eager to move towards the association with the EU. All of the necessary political criteria have to be fulfilled," the ambassador said.