NABU Director: We are optimistic about prospects for membership in OECD working group on bribery

The heads of Ukraine's anti-corruption agencies are counting on the success of bringing Ukrainian legislation into line with the Convention of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on combating bribery and subsequent membership in this international organization.
"We are optimistic that by January (2025) we will be able to report that we are ready and submit the corresponding application [for membership in the OECD working group," Kryvonos said on Monday, speaking at a conference in Kyiv "Ukraine on the Road to OECD and Accession to OECD Anti-Bribery Convention."
He said joining the OECD Convention is an important step for Ukraine, especially in the context of its European integration aspirations.
In turn, Head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) Oleksandr Klymenko said in 2022 Ukraine began the process of joining the OECD and the OECD working group on bribery.
According to him, concepts and models of liability of legal entities have been developed for some time. "The first attempt was unsuccessful – the bill developed in the working group was not accepted, they advised to develop a new one," Klymenko said.
The SAPO head said: "I am confident that from the draft laws developed with the participation of the SAPO, NABU and other organizations, the parliament will choose the best model in order to provide us with the best tool for combating corruption, ensuring justice and improving the investment climate of Ukraine."