18:04 06.11.2023

Ukraine calls on Polish protesters to end border blockade, ‘corridors of solidarity’ under threat - Ambassador Zvarych

1 min read
Ukraine calls on Polish protesters to end border blockade, ‘corridors of solidarity’ under threat - Ambassador Zvarych

Blocking the movement of cargo transport in the direction of three checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border is a "painful stab in the back of Ukraine" and threatens the so-called "solidarity corridors" through which Ukrainian grain passes to third countries, said Ukrainian Ambassador to Poland Vasyl Zvarych.

"The blocking by Polish carriers of roads to the border crossings of Poland with Ukraine in Hrebennym, Dorohusku, Korczowej is a painful stab in the back of Ukraine suffering from Russian aggression. The corridors of solidarity between Ukraine and the EU are under threat. We call for an end to the blockade of the border!" the ambassador wrote on X (Twitter).

On Facebook, he also added that in conditions of war, such methods only play into the hands of "our common enemy – Russian terrorists, and harm the interests of not only Ukraine, but also Poland and the whole of Europe."