14:52 04.03.2022

Ombudswoman calls on ICRC, human rights activists to organize evacuation of Vorzel residents

1 min read

The city of Vorzel, Kyiv region, is currently on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe, Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova said, calling on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and international human rights organizations to contribute to the creation of safe evacuation of the civilian population in accordance with international humanitarian norms.

"I just received information about the critical situation in the city of Vorzel, where it is actually hell now! Enemy troops, continuing crimes against humanity, are shooting at residential buildings. Civilians and children are constantly in basements without food and water. Elderly people in a nursing home – without medicines and essentials," Denisova wrote on Facebook on Friday.

According to her, in most districts of the city there is no electricity, heat and water supply, and due to constant shelling, it is impossible to resume their functioning.

"Currently, not a single humanitarian corridor has been created for the opportunity to leave the city. The aggressor blocks the road to the exit. All this brings the time of a humanitarian catastrophe in the city closer," the Ombudsperson noted.

Denisova also called on NATO member states to close the sky over Ukraine.