19:14 07.07.2021

No later than 2022, Ukraine to receive 'mosquito fleet' with combat capabilities – Taran

1 min read
No later than 2022, Ukraine to receive 'mosquito fleet' with combat capabilities – Taran

No later than 2022, Ukraine will receive a "mosquito fleet" with combat capabilities, Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Taran said.

"It is not a secret, especially for the Russians, what we really have. We do not have real weapons that can stop the invasion from the sea. But very soon, I think, no later than next year, we will have, with help from the United States, the United Kingdom, several small ships, a 'mosquito fleet,' but with real combat capabilities: with modern anti-ship missiles, modern electronic weapons that will allow us to pose a certain threat to the Russian naval forces," Taran said at a conference on Ukraine's reforms in Vilnius on Wednesday.

At the same time, the minister said this is not enough. "We are thinking about what type of anti-ship missiles we will acquire and from where to install on the corvette we are building in Turkey," Taran said.

The minister also spoke about attempts to develop capabilities with attack helicopters.

"We are making new blades for our attack helicopters, and they will also receive new anti-ship missiles that can be used against the enemy," Taran said.

"Mosquito Fleet" is a fleet of fast and maneuverable small combat ships.