19:13 14.06.2021

Full course of COVID-19 vaccination with Russian vaccine Sputnik V not sufficient for entering Ukraine – ministry

3 min read
Full course of COVID-19 vaccination with Russian vaccine Sputnik V not sufficient for entering Ukraine – ministry

A complete course of vaccination against coronavirus (COVID-19) with the Sputnik V vaccine, developed by Russian Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, is not sufficient for entering Ukraine, the Health Ministry told Interfax-Ukraine.

The Health Ministry said that, according to the current legislation, in order to enter Ukraine, it is necessary to present either a negative test result for COVID-19 by PCR (no more than 72 hours before crossing the border), or a negative result of an express test for SARS-CoV-2 (no more than 72 hours before crossing the border) or a document confirming the receipt of a full course of vaccination against COVID-19 vaccines included in the WHO list of approved for use in emergency situations.

In addition, the ministry said that under Cabinet of Ministers resolution No. 95 dated February 8, 2021, registration of vaccines or other immunobiological medicines for the prevention of COVID-19 is prohibited in Ukraine under the obligation for emergency medical use, the development and/or production of which was carried out in the state, recognized by the Verkhovna Rada as an aggressor state.

At the same time, according to lawyers, vaccination certificates are recognized only in the case of vaccination with a vaccine recognized by the WHO, and the Russian vaccine does not apply to such.

According to Tetiana Olkhovikova, a lawyer of the ILF law firm, in accordance with the explanation of the State Border Guard Service regarding vaccination documents that are presented at the border, currently the list of vaccines that are recognized includes such vaccines as BNT162b2/COMIRNATY manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech (registered in Ukraine under the name Comirnaty), AZD1222 manufactured by AstraZeneca/Oxford (registered in Ukraine under the name AstraZeneca), Covishield manufactured by Serum Institute (registered in Ukraine under the name Covishild), vaccine manufactured by Sinovac (registered in Ukraine under the name Coronavac), as well as vaccines manufactured by Janssen companies, Moderna, and Sinopharm/BIBP.

The lawyer also said that, according to the explanation of the State Border Guard Service, documents on immunization with the Sputnik V vaccine do not give grounds for entering Ukraine, since this vaccine is not included in the WHO list.

"Such a clause was released on June 10, 2021, that is, after the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on his Twitter about the recognition of certificates of vaccination between Ukraine and Hungary. Thus, it can be concluded that vaccination certificates, as before, are recognized only in the case of vaccination vaccine recognized by the WHO. The Russian vaccine does not belong to such," Olkhovikova said.