Servant of People faction approves candidacy of Kubrakov, Liubchenko, Liashko for posts of ministers

The Servant of the People parliamentary faction has approved the candidacy of Oleksandr Kubrakov for the post of Infrastructure Minister; Oleksiy Liubchenko for Economy Minister, First Deputy Prime Minister; Viktor Liashko for Health Minister, head of the faction David Arakhamia told journalists.
"The faction was primarily dealed with personnel issues [...]. The issues were about the change of three ministers: for the post of Infrastructure Minister, instead of Mr. Krykliy, the candidacy of Mr. Kubrakov was supported, instead of Economy Minister Mr. Petrashko, the candidacy of Mr. Liubchenko. Clarification: Mr. Liubchenko is proposed for the post of Economy Minister, First Deputy Prime Minister. [...] Instead of Mr. Stepanov the candicacy of Mr. Liashko is proposed," Arakhamia said at a briefing after the faction's meeting on Monday, May 17.
At the same time, he said their appointment will most likely take place on Thursday.