Minister Tkachenko: NSDC decision is beginning of new era, when enemy is called by name

Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachenko supports the NSDC's decision to expand the sanctions list, in particular, by MP Viktor Medvedchuk and his wife Oksana Marchenko.
"For me personally, this decision is historical justice. Unfortunately, it was delayed in time. Petro Oleksiyovych [Poroshenko] did everything so that Medvedchuk could fly to Moscow and conduct his business in Ukraine. What he could not do was done by the new government," Tkachenko said in the Telegram channel.
Medvedchuk, as Tkachenko said, is "the creator of the 2000s talking points, actually led to journalistic and mass protests on the eve of the Orange Revolution." "He has not given up his habits lately. But talking points, fakes, disinformation were now being written to him by the Kremlin. And he broadcast them in all possible ways in Ukraine, in particular, on the recently banned television channels. He denies Russian aggression, meets with his godfather in the occupied Crimea, promotes himself as an intermediary in the exchange of prisoners and positions himself as a "dove of peace." "The dove," who is ready to bring Ukraine to its knees in front of his godfather," the minister said.
He called the decision to impose sanctions politically justified. And he recalled that sanctions were imposed on Medvedchuk in the United States. "Now, finally, in Ukraine. In fact, this decision of the NSDC is the beginning of a new era, when the enemy is finally called by name," Tkachenko said.