Some 69% of Ukrainians call economic situation bad, 32% expect it to deteriorate - poll

Only 14% of Ukrainians believe that events in Ukraine are developing in the right direction, and 70% hold the opposite opinion, according to results of a poll conducted by the sociological service of the Razumkov Center from January 29 to February 3.
According to the research, 69% of respondents assess the economic situation in the country as "very bad" or "rather bad", and only 2% - as "good" or "very good", and 26% - as "not bad and not good".
The respondents assess the level of their families well-being somewhat better: 43% rate it as "very" or "rather" bad, 46% - as "not bad and not good", 7% - as "good" or "very good."
Only 7% of respondents expressed their conviction that in the next three months the economic situation in Ukraine will change for the better, 8% hope that during this time the level of well-being of their families will change for the better. Significantly more often in the coming months, citizens expect the situation to deteriorate: 32% believe that in the next three months the country's economic situation will change for the worse, 24% expect that during this time the level of well-being of their families will change for the worse. However, the most widespread opinion is that the situation will not change significantly in three months (48% and 53% respectively do not expect changes in these areas).
At the same time, expectations of changes in the economic sphere are less pessimistic than in December last year: then 41% of respondents expected a deterioration in the economic situation in the country over the next three months, and 32% expected a deterioration in the well-being of their own families.
Some 16% of respondents believe that Ukraine is able to overcome the existing problems and difficulties over the next few years, 51% think that the country is able to overcome it in longer term, and 20% believe that it is not able to overcome them.
At the same time, 54% of respondents would support the resignation of the government of Ukraine (28% would be against it), the early termination of powers of the Verkhovna Rada and the holding of early parliamentary elections are supported by 52% of the respondents (31% do not support it), and 49% of respondents would support the early termination of presidential powers and the holding of early presidential elections (34% would not support it).
The survey was conducted by the method of face-to-face interviews at the place of residence of the respondents. A total of 2,019 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, with the exception of the occupied territories, according to a sample representing the adult population in terms of basic socio-demographic indicators. The theoretical sampling error (excluding the design effect) does not exceed 2.3% with a probability of 0.95.