10:35 13.12.2019

TCG in Minsk to discuss lists for captive swap on Dec 18 - Zelensky

1 min read

 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said he hopes that the agreement reached at the December 9 Normandy Four summit in Paris on an exchange of captives between Ukraine and Luhansk will be implemented before the end of this year.

"We believe that an all identified for all identified exchange will take place before the New Year. The Trilateral [Contact] Group [TCG] is due to hold a session in Minsk on December 18, at which such lists will be discussed," Zelensky said on the Pravo na Vladu program aired by the television channel 1+1 on Thursday night.

In the past five years, authorities in temporarily occupied territories of Donbas have denied access to officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross to verify Ukraine's lists which are not coordinated with the other side, he said.

Zelensky also said that he had discussed with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Paris the need to resolve the issue of Ukrainian citizens held in Russian territory.

"But this will be another track. I think that we will discuss it after the all identified for all identified exchange," Zelensky said.