Supreme Court calling on Zelensky to veto law on activities of self-government judicial bodies
The Supreme Court of Ukraine has asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to veto bill No. 1008 passed by the Ukrainian parliament at second reading, which amends some Ukrainian laws about activities of self-government judicial bodies.
According to the press service of the Supreme Court, the judges approved this decision at a plenary meeting.
"The Supreme Court asks the President of Ukraine to apply the veto given by the Constitution of Ukraine to the law of Ukraine amending the law of Ukraine on the judicial system and the status of judges and some laws of Ukraine regarding the activities of self-government judicial bodies, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine," the judges said in the appeal to the head of state.
The judges said that "the law creates potential threats to the independence of all judges, and its adoption will lead to a real violation of their independence and will have a negative impact on the rule of law as an integral part of the rule-of-law state."