Security Service questions owner of NewsOne, 112.Ukraine TV channels on terrorism counts

Taras Kozak, a Ukrainian parliamentarian of the Opposition Platform - For Life faction and the owner of the Ukrainian TV channels 112.Ukraine, NewsOne, and ZIK, said the Ukrainian Security Service has questioned him on three criminal counts.
"I was questioned on three counts today. One count of terrorism, another financing of terrorism and yet another of legalization of criminal proceeds. This was news to me today," Kozak said on the 112.Ukraine television channel.
Kozak said his questioning lasted 30-40 minutes. He said he was sure security services would question him again.
"They asked me about the TV bridge [a once planned and then cancelled TV linkup between Ukraine and Russia], they asked me various questions. We answered, everything is okay. I'd like to say the authorities are not ending this.
It was announced on July 12 that a TV linkup was planned between NewsOne and the Russian TV channel Rossiya 1 (VGTRK), which is banned in Ukraine. NewsOne said later the linkup was cancelled "because of direct threats of physical reprisals leveled at the channel, journalists, and their families."
Larysa Sarhan, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian prosecutor general, said that, while conducting a criminal inquiry into treason, preparations for obstructing legitimate activities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other security agencies in a special period, and the financing of terrorism, the Ukrainian Security Service discovered an attempt to assist a foreign state in conducting subversive activities against Ukraine.
The pretrial investigation has been assigned to investigators from the Security Service's main investigative department tasked with questioning Kozak and NewsOne's general producer, Vasyl Holovanov, and with conducting other essential investigative procedures.