Bohdan not ruling out running for Kyiv mayor

The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Bohdan has said he believes that he has almost fulfilled his function in his current position and not ruled out the possibility of running for the post of Kyiv mayor.
In an interview published on Monday morning by the BBC Ukrainian service, asked whether the President Volodymyr Zelensky team (Ze!Team) has a candidate for mayor of Kyiv, Bohdan replied: "There is no ready (candidate). There are a lot of unprepared (laughs) ... there are many candidates. Maybe I'll even run."
Answering a clarifying question regarding his possible candidacy, Bohdan said: "I never thought about it seriously, but recent events have shown that the audience sees Bohdan as the opponent of [Kyiv Mayor Vitali] Klitschko. For me [to run for Kyiv mayor] is going down a few steps, but, on the other hand, I have almost fulfilled my function, like the first stage of a rocket that puts the [spacecraft] into orbit. I have almost done this. I need something serious to do."
When asked to give an example of what he considers to be a serious occupation for himself, Bohdan said, "Being elected mayor (laughs). No, I'm joking, of course. But why not? (laughs)."
Bodhan said the president's team had not yet decided whether to hold early local elections throughout Ukraine or only in certain cities.
"This is a very complicated question and there is not one answer. We must understand what the local elections are. There exist legislative restrictions, and for there not be chaos, and there will definitely be [chaos]… Early elections are always held until the next [elections], so that all councils nationwide can be simultaneously rebooted. If you hold early elections ones now, they will be very close to the next scheduled ones. And the next ones are scheduled for [the fall of 2020]," Bohdan said.
Bohdan said the president’s team was weighing the feasibility of such a step, and so far three possible ways of action have been worked out on this issue.
"Expert groups are working on this. We are developing various draft laws. So far there are three ways. We have not yet decided which way to go. Therefore, I will tell you once again that if we do something, we will plan far ahead. If we lump in Klitschko, all other cities, and all other the other local problems together, that means we understand that society simply requires a reset of power. But we have not decided which way to put the show on the road yet," he said.