17:05 15.06.2019

Under optimistic scenario Ukraine could become EU member by 2035

2 min read
Under optimistic scenario Ukraine could become EU member by 2035

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said that Ukraine would have a real chance of getting the European prospect after 2025, and maybe by 2035 the country could become a member of the European Union (EU).

"If sentiments within the EU are balanced, the Balkan countries successfully integrate in 2025, if other stars and planets become favorable and are placed on the European integration orbits, then after 2025 we will have a real chance of getting a European prospect. Ambitious but possible," Klimkin wrote on his Facebook page on Thursday.

He recalled that this requires the consent of all EU member states. "Therefore, until then, we must really jump over our heads in order to change Ukraine and the Ukrainians," the minister said.

Then, according to him, pre-accession negotiations will begin with the European bureaucrats, which "the further the more and more complicated will be."

The Ukrainian foreign minister recalled that, from the moment of filing an application for joining the EU, an average of 10-12 years passed since the moment of obtaining membership for other countries, despite the fact that there were no problems with providing a European prospect for the candidate countries.

"We believe that there is nothing supersophisticated, school arithmetic: prior to or after 2035," he said.