18:46 28.01.2019

Poroshenko signs law on changing subordination of religious organizations

1 min read

 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed into law a bill determining the mechanism of altering the subordination of religious organizations.

The law introducing amendments to some Ukrainian laws on the subordination of religious organizations and the state registration procedure of religious organizations with the status of a legal entity was passed by the Verkhovna Rada on January 17, 2019, the presidential website said on Monday. Relevant bill No. 4128-d was supported by 229 MPs.

According to the law, the state authorities recognize the right of a religious community to change the subordination of religious centers by registering a new edition of the charter or introducing some amendments to the current one. The decision to modify the subordination is made at a general assembly of a religious community. This assembly can be called up by members of this community.