10:02 25.01.2019

Investors expect Ukraine to preserve achievements in reforms, continue them – Poroshenko

1 min read
Investors expect Ukraine to preserve achievements in reforms, continue them – Poroshenko

 Investors expect further reforms and creation of an independent anti-corruption infrastructure from Ukraine, Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko said.

"What do they [investors] expect from Ukraine today? They expect the achievements made to improve the investment climate, which allowed us to move from 153, 112 to 71 place [in the Doing business rating], to be preserved. So that there is no backsliding in the reforms, no revenge. This is what they are waiting for," Poroshenko said in an interview with Ukraine TV channel on Thursday night.

"And, of course, we will do everything we can to protect Ukrainian business, to continue the creation of independent courts, to continue the creation of an independent anticorruption infrastructure," Poroshenko added.

He noted that investors did not expect changes to take place so quickly.