Transparency International Ukraine demands effective investigation into attack on social activist Kateryna Handziuk in Kherson

Transparency International Ukraine demands that Kherson law enforcement agencies effectively investigate an attack on Kateryna Handziuk, a social activist who survived acid throwing in Kherson on Tuesday, July 31.
"The Ukrainian chapter of the global anti-corruption movement Transparency International is troubled by the Kherson reports on a violent attack against Kateryna Handziuk. The use of acid against a social activist in broad daylight next to her own home is a new challenge for Ukraine’s law enforcement system," TI Ukraine said in a statement on Tuesday.
According to the organization's statement, society constantly receives signals that it is dangerous to take an active stance. "It is unacceptable. It is finally time for the National Police to make it clear that any attempts to use force against activists will be investigated and solved and the perpetrators will be brought to justice," it said.
"We urge the police of Kherson not to give in to the temptation to let the whole case go, since Kateryna Handziuk was, among other things, an active critic of local law enforcement for their inconsistent stance concerning protection of Ukraine’s sovereignty and public peace in the city," the statement said. "The police must show the society that attacks against social activists are a crime, and the perpetrators must and will be brought to justice."
An acid attack on a female employee of Kherson City Council was reported on Tuesday morning when she left home. A young, 20-25-year-old man threw acid into her face and escaped. The victim was hospitalized. An investigation was initiated under Article 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hooliganism).
It turned out later that the victim was Kateryna Handziuk, who is acting manager of affairs at Kherson City Council's executive committee and counselor of the mayor.