18:38 04.05.2018

President vetoes law on diplomatic service

2 min read
President vetoes law on diplomatic service

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has vetoed the bill on the diplomatic service approved by the Verkhovna Rada on April 5.

The relevant bill (No. 7322) was returned with the proposals of the president May 4, 2018, the website of the Ukrainian parliament reported.

At the same time, the proposals of the president to the draft law are not available on the website of the Verkhovna Rada at the moment.

As reported, on April 5, the Verkhovna Rada approved at second reading and as a whole the presidential draft of a new law on diplomatic service (No. 7322).

As stipulated by the current legislation, the ambassadors, representatives of Ukraine and heads of missions to international organizations will be appointed and dismissed by the president on the proposal of the foreign minister. However, the Foreign Ministry will be obliged to hold consultations in the concerned Verkhovna Rada committee before submitting a motion to the president on appointing an ambassador or head of mission to an international organization.

According to the bill, the order of rotation of diplomats will be determined by the Foreign Ministry, but it is a prerequisite for going through diplomatic service. The terms of long-term business trips of diplomats will be up to four years in countries with normal climate and stable security and up to three years in countries with difficult climatic conditions or complex security situation. At the same time, the bill foresees that the time between long-term business trips should be two to four years.

The law will enter into force six months after its publication, and the current law on diplomatic service will no longer be valid.