Govt approves amendments to regulations about Health ministry

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the regulations about Health Ministry of Ukraine to regulate the issue of dividing powers of the health minister and secretary of state at the Health Ministry.
The resolution passed by the government on December 27, 2017 has been posted on its website.
The provision on the formation of the personnel reserve is removed from the activities carried out by the ministry with the aim of organizing its activities.
The regulations on the Health Ministry is supplemented with items regulating the authority of the head of the civil service at the ministry, who is the highest official among the civil servants of the Health Ministry and who is under the control of the minister and accountable to the minister.
Among the functions of the secretary of state of the Health Ministry is the organization of the work of the ministry's apparatus, designing proposals for the fulfillment of the ministry's tasks, the monitoring of the implementation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the president, the Cabinet, orders of the ministry itself, instructions of the minister and his deputies by the Health Ministry's apparatus.
The secretary of state of the Health Ministry also draws up the work plan of the ministry, ensures the implementation of the state secrets policy, requests information necessary to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Health Ministry, represents it in civil law relations, appoints and dismisses civil servants of the Health Ministry and its apparatus.