11:40 16.08.2016

Crown Agents: UAH 500 mln saved in purchase of medicines on children, adult oncology programs

2 min read
Crown Agents: UAH 500 mln saved in purchase of medicines on children, adult oncology programs

British-based procurement agency Crown Agents has stated the saving of more than 45% or UAH 500 million in procurement of medicines on children's and adult oncology programs for the funds of the 2015 national budget compared to purchases in 2014.

"Thanks to the efficient procedure and clear tender processes more than 90% of items were purchased for a lower price compared to 2014, in some cases the saving exceeded 80%. This resulted in the saving of more than 45% or about UAH 500 million of budget funds compared to 2014 under the procurement programs for adult and pediatric oncology," Crown Agents told Interfax-Ukraine.

Crown Agents noted the international organization expects the implementation of supplies for a total of $3.6 million under these programs by the end of August. Thus, the total volume of shipments under the programs will amount to 80% of medicines for adult oncology and 58% for child programs.

As of mid-August, Crown Agents had delivered more than 75% of medicines in the framework of centralized purchases for adult oncology programs, 38% of medicines for children, as well as 38% of purchased drugs "which are in Ukraine but need approval of the necessary documentation by the Health Ministry for delivery to hospitals."