EU Council discusses Mogherini-offered principles of EU-Russian relations

During a broad discussion on Russia, at a European Union Council meeting in Brussels, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, discussed with the foreign ministers of the EU countries five principles of EU-Russian relations, the European diplomacy's chief said.
The foreign ministers at the level of 28 countries were unanimous about five governing principles of the EU policy towards Russia, Mogherini said at a news conference in Brussels on Monday, following the EU Foreign Affairs Council's meeting.
She named them: this is the full implementation of the Minsk agreements as a condition for any drastic changes in the relations with Russia, and the EU will not change its position of unrecognizing Crimea's reunification with Russia; strengthening of EU relations with Eastern partners, beginning from Central Asia; build-up of EU internal sustainability, particularly energy and in the field of strategic communications; any cooperation with Russia needs to be selective, taking into account possible common interests, for instance, in foreign policy - on the issues of Syria or North Korea; support the civil society in Russia and invest in the development of contacts between people in the EU and Russia, specifically orienting at young people.