11:17 11.02.2016

Experts propose technical govt as way out of crisis to president

4 min read
Experts propose technical govt as way out of crisis to president

Experts at a meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko have proposed that the technical government is formed as a way out of the political crisis, the government's powers are clearly divided between the presidential administration and the government and the new law on parliamentary election is passed.

" It is necessary to form a new Cabinet of Ministers on the basis of a technical government. This means that the position of the Prime Minister shall be filled by a non-partisan top manager enjoying high personal reputation, who did not hold high-level public offices in Ukraine before 2014," experts said in a statement published by CEO of the International Renaissance Foundation Yevhen Bystritsky.

The experts said that the Prime Minister shall form a new Cabinet of Ministers consisting of individuals capable of promptly setting up new units in each ministry, able to perform policy analysis, forecast and address challenges, develop and implement systemic reforms. The principle of representation of political forces shall not be applied to the formation of the technical Cabinet of Ministers.

They said that the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine shall give the vote of confidence to the new government by at least 226 votes, trusting the new government on the whole and, above all, the Prime Minister, and providing them with due support to develop, support and monitor the reforms jointly with the civil society.

According to the statement, Together with the appointment of the new government it is necessary to make changes to the laws on central executive power bodies and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the basis of the draft bill No. 2354a. In particular, the following changes shall be made: Deputy Ministers shall be appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers following the proposals by Ministers (and not the Prime Minister, as it is now); the position of the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be abolished, and the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers shall be reduced only to units that serve the meetings of the

The entry into force of the Law on Public Service shall be speed up, with the key attention given, first of all, to the introduction of the institution of State Secretaries as professional and politically neutral chiefs of staff of the Ministries, the experts said.

A clear division of functions between the Cabinet of Ministers and the Administration of the President of Ukraine shall be ensured. It is necessary to guarantee non-interference of external officials and politicians with the activity of the government and the ministries, central and local executive bodies, other than in a way envisaged by the law.

Fair and adequate salaries at all levels of public administration, including by means of the optimization of functions and, therefore, the number of civil servants, and the use of the freed resources for building up the payroll fund shall be ensured. For this purpose, and given the currently limited resources available from the state budget, an independent, transparent, and properly controlled Fund should be created to accumulate the financial assistance from international and Ukrainian donors.

According to the statement, a new parliamentary election law, in line with the provisions of the current coalition agreement shall be passed. In particular, the majoritarian component and the closed party lists shall be eliminated as the most favorable for political corruption.

The current crisis in the Ukrainian politics is, first of all, a crisis of no confidence. People have lost confidence in the ability of political institutions, the integrity of the leading politicians and parties, the capacity of governmental institutions and their leadership to carry out reforms in the direction determined and proclaimed by the Revolution of Dignity.

For the consistent pursuit of the reforms, there are only two ways out of the political crisis: the purification of the government and forming a technical, professional government, or the early elections, probably not only the parliamentary, but also the presidential ones.

The statement was signed by Ihor Burakovsky (the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting), Taras Kachka (business envoy at the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine), from the Reanimation Package of Reforms – Ihor Koliushko, Artem Myrohorodsky and Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, as well as Olena Pavlenko (DiXi Group), Mykhailo Haidai, Mykhailo Obolonsky and Daniil Pasko from Easy Business, Vasyl Fylypchuk (the International Center for Policy Studies) and others.