11:43 16.10.2015

Ukraine to make punishment of MH17 perpetrators part of UN Security Council agenda – Klimkin

1 min read
Ukraine to make punishment of MH17 perpetrators part of UN Security Council agenda – Klimkin

As a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Ukraine will make bringing those guilty of downing Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 to account part of the council’s agenda, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said.

"We really gained the solidarity of the whole world. Practically the whole world backs us as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. Not just the majority of states backed [Ukraine], but almost all of them [supported Ukraine] because justice is on our side. We back the UN Charter and fulfill its principles," Klimkin said after Ukraine was elected as a non-permanent member of the council.

Speaking about the steps Ukraine is taking to bring those responsible for downing flight MH17 to justice, Klimkin said that he hopes that the perpetrators of the tragedy will be found due to a fair and impartial investigation under the auspices of the UN Security Council.

He added that the MH17 tragedy won't be the only discussion initiated by Ukraine at the council, as the country is ready to cooperate with UN members to preserve peace and security in the world.