Ukrainian General Staff to release detailed report on Ilovaisk events late this month

The Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff is due to present a detailed report analyzing the events that happened a year ago near Ilovaisk in Donetsk region by the end of August.
"The report to be published later will contain more evidence provided by eyewitnesses, combatants and commanders as to what other ways existed [to resolve the Ilovaisk situation]," advisor to the General Staff Chief Ruslan Kavatsiuk said at a press conference in Kyiv on Thursday.
The press conference presented a report analyzing the operative situation in the anti-terrorist operation zone in August 2014.
Kavatsiuk added that a more detailed report on the Ilovaisk events would become available by the end of this month.
In turn, Sector M Deputy Commander Viktor Shydliukh said the General Staff was aware of the possible "invasion by Russian troops" but that information was confirmed only on August 25, 2014. He said that the Prosecutor General's Office continued to investigate the Ilovaisk events.
Volunteer battalions and units of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry and the Armed Forces were encircled by the enemy near Ilovaisk in late August 2014, which led to significant losses and the capture of Ukrainian prisoners of war.
Deputy Prosecutor General and Main Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoliy Matios said on April 17, 2015, that, on that date, detectives had confirmed the deaths of 459 soldiers and the injury of 478 servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other units engaged in the special operation in Ilovaisk. He said that the material damage done to military hardware exceeded UAH 70 million.