Steinmeier rebukes Russia for persona non grata list

German Foreign Minister Frank- W alter Steinmeier on Saturday criticized Russia for banning entry to some European politicians.
"I generally don't consider bans of this kind a very reasonable practice," Steinmeier said during a visit to an accommodation center in Dnipropetrovsk for refugees from conflict-stricken parts of eastern Ukraine.
He said compiling no-entry lists could not be seen as an acceptable contribution to efforts to settle "the fierce and dangerous conflict in central Europe."
After lengthy conversations with people living in the accommodation center, which consists of prefabricated houses, the minister mentioned the simplicity of the facility but said he was amazed how much help the local population was giving the refugees and credited the latter were organizing their life at the center.
Steinmeier said many of the refugees were determined to eventually return to their native parts in the east of the country.
"We also hope for the further normalization of the situation in Donbas," he said.