Odesa Railways tightens security at strategic facilities

Odesa Railways is tightening security measures aimed at anti-intrusion protection of railway stations and preventing possible terrorists' attacks at the strategic facilities of the railways.
According to the posting on the website of the Infrastructure Ministry of Ukraine, the militarized guard service of Odesa Railways additionally sets the watch at 37 strategic facilities: 24 bridges and 13 traction substations.
Another 50 employees will be hired by Odesa Railways to the militarized guard service. The number of guards was increased at some stations (including the Odesa-Peresyp and Illichivsk-Paromna stations).
Odesa Railways is drawing up a feasibility study for fencing the Odesa-Peresyp station. Preliminarily it is planned to use metal gauze, which will leave clear visibility for preventing illegal intrusions.