11:35 12.12.2012

Yanukovych hopes Rada to appoint presidium and new premier at first sitting

2 min read
Yanukovych hopes Rada to appoint presidium and new premier at first sitting

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has said he hopes that the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's parliament, will elect the parliamentary presidium and a new prime minister on Wednesday.

"I hope that today the Verkhovna Rada will take joint steps to elect the presidium, and I also hope that the prime minister will be elected today," he told journalists in Bangalore on Wednesday.

According to the president, he hopes this vote is the first step towards constructive work at the Verkhovna Rada.

Yanukovych also expressed hope that the level of political culture will gradually rise in the Ukraine and "opponents," and not "enemies" will work in the parliament.

"I think that step by step our political culture will rise, and we will finally see a parliament where opponents, and not enemies, will work to protect the interests of people and the state," he said.

Yanukovych added that he feels that Ukraine is moving forward, and all state agencies, including the Verkhovna Rada, should keep up with this movement.

"I hope that cooperation between the branches of power, between the government, the parliament, and the president, will be pragmatic, constructive, and it will work for development of the country and the creation of conditions for people's living. I don't believe that politicians don't want this," he said.

The Verkhovna Rada of the seventh convocation started to work on December 12.