17:00 22.10.2012

State Migration Service to deal with domestic and foreign passports of Ukrainians from 2013

2 min read
State Migration Service to deal with domestic and foreign passports of Ukrainians from 2013

The State Migration Service is planning to expand its powers and issue foreign passports to Ukrainians from January 1, 2013, Director of the Department of Passport Work and Citizenship of the State Migration Service of Ukraine Dina Pimakhova has said.

She said on the Social Status - Your Rights program on the Tonis TV Channel that the service currently issues domestic passports, registers the place of residence of citizens and performs other functions envisaged by the legislation of Ukraine on citizenship and immigration.

"From January 1 next year, it will also be possible to get passports for Ukrainian citizens traveling abroad in the territorial department of the State Migration Service by place of residence, regardless of the place of registration," Pimakhova said.

She said that it would be possible to get the document within 10 or 30 days. In the first case, the cost of the state fee is UAH 340, and the cost of a form – UAH 270, whereas in the second case – UAH 170 and UAH 120 respectively. The legislation also foresees the possibility of obtaining foreign passports within three days for those in need of treatment abroad, those accompanying sick persons or in connection with the death of a relative.

Pimakhova said that the creation of the State Migration Service as a single central body in the field of migration had greatly simplified the procedure of work with passports and helps save the time and money of Ukrainians.