14:37 02.09.2024

EU expects Mongolia, as party to Rome Statute, to fulfill its obligations to arrest Putin if he visits

2 min read
EU expects Mongolia, as party to Rome Statute, to fulfill its obligations to arrest Putin if he visits
Photo: elements.envato.com

The European Union expects Mongolia, as a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, to fulfill its obligations in light of the current arrest warrant for Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who intends to visit the country in the coming days.

This position of the EU was voiced in Brussels on Monday by Nabila Massrali, a representative of the Foreign Diplomatic Service. "Mongolia is a state party to the Rome Statute of the ICC since 2002. With the legal obligations that it entails, we have raised our concerns about the visit and stated our position of the ICC clearly via our delegation in Mongolia. Of course, the EU supports the investigation by the prosecutor of the ICC in Ukraine and we call for the full cooperation by all state parties," she said.

According to Massrali, the EU is aware of the upcoming visit. "We have seen the reports about the upcoming Putin's visit to Mongolia. Mongolia, like all other countries, has the right to develop its international ties according to its own interests. However, there is an arrest warrant against Putin issued by the International Criminal Court for unlawful deportations and transfer of thousands of Ukrainian children from temporarily occupied territories areas of Ukraine to Russia," the representative of the Foreign Diplomatic Service said.