Most large Ukrainian companies seek to increase expenses on cyber security in 2018

Heads of information security of 75% of large companies in Ukraine point out the necessity of receive an funding increase on cyber security by 50% and more in 2018, according to a survey conducted by Ernst&Young Global Limited.
According to a posting on the website of EY, over 90% of respondents said that it is necessary to boost budgets for cyber security this year
According to the survey, 78% of respondents in Ukraine assess the cyber vulnerabilities mitigating systems in their companies as low or medium.
"The respondents were representatives of leading enterprises, institutions and organizations of Ukraine, most of which have a program for determining interventions and a formal data security policy. Only 11% of Ukrainian respondents said that they do not have an access control program at all or are limited to informal measures," Senior Manager at the Department of Information Technology and IT Risk Management in EY in Ukraine Dmytro Lazuchenkov said.
According to the report, 67% of Ukrainian respondents do not have the formalized software in the area of collection and analysis of information about cyber threats and only 11% are confident that they will be able to track an intricate cyber attacks.