Ukraine's TPPs, CHPPs get 720,000 tonnes of imported coal in Q1, 2015

Ukraine's thermal power plants (TPP) and combined heat and power plants (CHPP) in January-March 2015 received 720,300 tonnes of imported coal, a source in the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry has told Interfax-Ukraine.
According to its data, in January-March power plants received 470,200 tonnes of coal from South Africa, 178,200 tonnes from Russia, and 71,900 tonnes from Poland. In particular, in March South Africa supplied 184,500 tonnes, the Russian Federation – 58,200 tonnes.
Coal stocks in the warehouses of CHPPs and TPPs in Ukraine in March 2015 decreased by 29% and by April 1 totaled 900,100 tonnes.
As of April 1, 2015 the reserves of G+D grade coal totaled 612,500 tonnes, ASh+T grade coal – 287,600 tonnes.
Fuel oil stocks in March fell by 8%, to 102,300 tonnes.
Coal stocks at power plants as of April 1, 2015 were 4.5 times less than on April 1, 2014, fuel oil - 9.8% less.
Natural gas consumption by power plants in March 2015 amounted to 576.2 million cubic meters against 631.2 million cubic meters in February 2015 and 581.9 million cubic meters in March 2014.