14:30 20.02.2024

Ukrainian carriers start protest at three points on border with Poland

1 min read
Ukrainian carriers start protest at three points on border with Poland

Ukrainian carriers began a protest at three checkpoints on the border with Poland - Rava-Ruska, Shehyni and Krakovets, head of the public organization Ukrainian Transport Union in Lviv Region Oleh Dubyk told Interfax-Ukraine.

According to him, the action will continue until protesters from the Polish side stop blocking the movement of freight transport from the Ukrainian side.

As Dubyk noted, representatives of three public organizations of freight road carriers are taking part in the action, demanding an end to the blockade of the border on the Polish side and the resumption of normal traffic.

"Participants are stopping Polish trucks arriving from Poland for several hours, similar to the delay with which Polish protesters are allowing Ukrainian trucks to pass," Dubyk said. At the same time, he noted that the protesters were allowing cars and vehicles with humanitarian aid through.