Defense Ministry implements SAP

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is implementing an automated defense resource management system based on System Analysis Program Development (SAP), which is one of the leading systems in the field of logistics in the world, the Defense Ministry press center said on Friday.
"Thanks to the implementation of this system in Ukraine, the Defense Ministry has accelerated the processing of requests for supplies from brigades from several weeks to two-three days (previously this process could last a month). Both military units and operational commands have access to the system for orders and monitoring balances, storage warehouses, logistics forces command," the ministry said in a statement on its Telegram channel.
At the moment, the system is in pilot use, but is being scaled among all military units. The automation process started with accounting for clothing and spare parts; in September, a new direction was added – automation of equipment accounting. At the pilot warehouses, processes and equipment have been completely updated; basic operations are now carried out using scanners, data collection terminals and other SAP-based management system tools. The system uses the "need to know" principle, when each user has access only to the information that is necessary to complete his task.
The result of the widespread implementation of the system should be a complete rejection of paper document flow in logistics operations.
SAP products in the defense sector are used by 44 countries, including 28 of the 31 NATO member states. The largest users are the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, Poland and Australia.