What is needed is a legally binding international mechanism to hold Russia accountable - Arseniy Yatsenyuk at the KSF

I don't believe in any diplomatic solutions between Ukraine and russia, - emphasized Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the head of the Kyiv Security Forum, Prime Minister of Ukraine 2014-2016, during a special event of the KSF on September 5.
"I do not believe in any diplomatic solutions between Ukraine and russia. I do not believe that under any circumstances putin or his successor decides to pay for the damages they have inflicted to Ukraine," he emphasized.
This means, as the head of the KSF emphasized, that it is necessary to develop an international mechanism, a legally binding one, "on how to hold Russia accountable, on how to make russia pay and on how to lock up these russian criminals behind the bars."
Mr. Yatsenyuk expressed his confidence in a new "Marshall Plan" for Ukraine: "It should be a plan of the free world led by the United States on how to protect democracy and build a new Ukraine."
The Kyiv Security Forum, established by Arseniy Yatsenyuk's "Open Ukraine" Foundation, is holding a special event in Kyiv "On the crucial: the front and recovery" with the participation of General David Petraeus, Commander of the US Central Command in 2008-10, Director of the US CIA in 2011-12.