20:11 19.05.2023

Ministry of Health, NHSU to resume physical monitoring of medical institutions contracted with NHSU – minister

1 min read

The Ministry of Health and the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) will resume physical monitoring of the work of medical institutions contracted with the NHSU, Health Minister Viktor Liashko has said.

"Now, we are preparing to resume and restart the monitoring of the implementation of contracts with the NHSU. The draft relevant resolution is being coordinated with the central authorities, and the government will adopt it soon. Then the physical monitoring will begin when NHSU employees come to a particular institution and check," he said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

Liashko recalled that the Ministry of Health and the NHSU had developed another mechanism that determines the medical facilities to which the NHSU arrives with monitoring.

According to the minister, the Ministry of Health is developing a strategy "to combat informal payments, including monitoring not to allow writing lists of medicines for patients treated in medical institutions funded under the Medical Guarantee Program."