Razumkov thinks holding election before end of war is impossible

Head of the Reasonable Policy inter-faction union, independent MP Dmytro Razumkov says its is impossible to hold parliamentary election before the end of the war.
"Firstly, today, under martial law, it is impossible to hold elections in line with the current legislation," he said in an exclusive interview with the Interfax-Ukraine News Agency.
The MP also said holding elections in wartime, which some politicians in Ukraine think about, means that servicemen, who also have the right to vote, would be expelled from the election process.
"Moreover, servicemen have the right to run for office. They deserved this during the war, especially in recent one and a half year. And if we hold elections in wartime, they will be unable to run. Thus, we expel the most worthy category of our citizens from the election process," Razumkov said.
According to him, today people want victory, "not victory of political parties in the election process, but victory of the country."